jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Shit happens....

Shit happens

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"Shit happens" is a common slang phrase, used as a simple existential observation that life is full of imperfections, either "'Así es la vida" or "C'est la vie". The phrase is an acknowledgment that bad things happen to people for no particular reason.[1] There are minced oath forms, such as "stuff happens" or "it happens".
The origin or earliest use of the phrase is uncertain. In a review of a book of quotations, The New Yorker critic Louis Menand observed that it was "extremely interesting to know, for instance, that the phrase 'Shit happens' was introduced to print by one Connie Eble, in a publication identified as UNC–CH Slang (presumably the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), in 1983."[2]
A fictitious explanation of the origin of this phrase occurs in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump. During his capricious run, a bumper sticker salesman running alongside him points out to Forrest that he has just stepped in a pile of dog feces. When Forrest replies, "It happens," the man replies, "What, shit?", to which Forrest replies, "Sometimes". The man is then inspired to create the "Shit Happens" bumper sticke."


that is te reason....